Scammers Use Fake Funeral LiveStream Social Media Posts to Extort Victims

BEC Email Scams PhishingIn a troubling new low, cybercriminals are targeting individuals grieving the loss of a loved one by charging their credit cards with excessive fees through a heartless scam.

According to analysts at Malwarebytes, these scammers are now posting fake funeral live streams on Facebook, attempting to exploit the emotional vulnerability of those mourning.

These scams likely involve compromised social media accounts or automated searches for recent deaths, potentially even leveraging the passing of celebrities to lure victims.

Victims are led through a series of pages before arriving at a payment page, where they unknowingly authorize scammers to charge their credit card €64 every 14 days.


Source: Malwarebytes

While the scam itself is relatively simple and avoidable if someone carefully reads the details, it’s a stark reminder of the importance of security awareness. Scams like this don’t just happen in the corporate world; they are prevalent in everyday online activities.

This is why security awareness training is so crucial. By teaching people to  stay vigilant in all areas of their digital lives, they are better equipped to recognize and avoid scams like this from the outset, rendering these schemes ineffective. 


Source: Malwarebytes

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Don’t get hacked by social media phishing attacks!

Many of your users are active on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Cybercriminals use these platforms to scrape profile information of your users and organization to create targeted spear phishing campaigns in an attempt to hijack accounts, damage your organization's reputation, or gain access to your network.

KnowBe4’s Social Media Phishing Test is a complimentary IT security tool that helps you identify which users in your organization are vulnerable to these types of phishing attacks that could put your users and organization at risk.

SPT-monitorHere's how the Social Media Phishing Test works:

  • Immediately start your test with your choice of three social media phishing templates
  • Choose the corresponding landing page your users see after they click
  • Show users which red flags they missed or send them to a fake login page
  • Get a PDF emailed to you in 24 hours with your percentage of clicks and data entered

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