Pervasive Ransomware Infection Cost German Software Company Pilz Tens Of Millions Of Euros

Pilz_500_500A pervasive ransomware infection cost the German automation company Pilz an estimated tens of millions of euros, says Jan Tournois, director of the Dutch department of the multinational.

Pilz systems became infected with the BitPaymer ransomware in mid-October, which is used for targeted attacks. All server-based offices were affected by the attack. The black hats managed to remove back-ups from the company, which supplies equipment for the control of, among other things, bridges, railroad crossings, factories and other systems.

The software developer decided to disconnect all its own systems from the internet and to block access to the corporate network. As a result, their communication systems also went offline, and the company which had a turnover of 345 million euros last year, was therefore only available to customers via telephone.

A few days after the infection, the company was able to receive telephone orders again. Pilz has not paid the ransom that the attackers asked, Tournois says. The recovery of systems and lost production is expected to cost the company several tens of millions of euros, according to the director.

Last week Pilz issued a press release that it would not comment about the attack to not jeopardize ongoing investigations. It looks like it took them 4 weeks to recover from the effects of the infection. These are the real costs of an infection. The ransom is certainly painful but the downtime is where is really hurts.  How does your network stand up against a ransomware infection?


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