Miami County pays CryptoWall Ransom To Get 911 Center Back Online

Miami County Ohio RansomwareThe Miami County Communication Center’s administrative computer network system was compromised with a CryptoWall 3.0 ransomware infection which locked down their 911 emergency center. They paid a $700 Bitcoin ransom to unlock their files. 

According to a Miami County Sheriff’s Office report, the county’s technology director Matt Watkins reported the computer virus called “CrytoWall 3.0” had locked down the 911 center’s administrative system. In the report, Watkins stated a report with the sheriff’s office was needed in order for the auditor’s office to make the payment. Watkins explained in the report that the only way get the files back was to pay the fee for the fix.

According to the report, the virus was originally sent to the county’s animal shelter in the form of an email attachment. Then the email was sent to the 911 communication center and was opened by a dispatch supervisor which then activated itself and locked down the center’s files. 

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