KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick demonstrates the USB Ninja cable attack

Mitnick_Ninja_CableOver the last few months, Kevin has been talking about this possibility: embedding malicious code in cables.

This is a brand new demo where he shows this is now technically feasible! See it on our YouTube channel, it's only 3 minutes...

Free Phish Alert Button

Do your users know what to do when they receive a phishing email? KnowBe4's Phish Alert Button gives your users a safe way to forward email threats to the security team for analysis and deletes the email from the user's inbox to prevent future exposure. All with just one click! Phish Alert benefits: 

home-KnowBe4-Phish-Alert-2Here's how it works:

  • Reinforces your organization’s security culture
  • Users can report suspicious emails with just one click
  • Incident Response gets early phishing alerts from users, creating a network of “sensors”
  • Email is deleted from the user's inbox to prevent future exposure
  • Easy deployment via MSI file for Outlook, Google Workspace deployment for Gmail (Chrome) and manifest install for Microsoft 365

Get Your Phish Alert Button

PS: Don't like to click on redirected buttons? Cut & Paste this link in your browser:

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