KnowBe4 Was Chosen For The Fourth Year As Top Workplace In Tampa Bay


The Tampa Bay Times yearly chooses Top Workplace for small, midsize and large local companies.

They said: "In four appearances in the Top Workplaces survey, cybersecurity awareness training company KnowBe4 has scored an unusual trifecta, finishing first, in different years, in each of the categories for small, midsize and large companies. Chalk up that category-jumping to the company's rapid growth. Founded in 2010, KnowBe4 still had only about 50 employees in late 2015. In contrast, it hired more than 250 employees in 2018, bringing its workforce to about 660."

The whole article does a great job reflecting our company culture, and gives a good picture of where we are today and our plans for tomorrow. We are truly grateful to be recognized by the Tampa Bay Times as the #1 Top Workplace. Diversity and inclusion aren't just slogans here. We believe in people, and we are here to create opportunity for individuals and for the entire Tampa Bay community.  


Here's a page that has a brand new insider's view video of KnowBe4, with some employee interviews that show what it's like to work here:

Thanks very much and we'll keep up the good work!

Stu Sjouwerman

Founder and CEO, KnowBe4, Inc.

PS: here is a link to a PDF of the full-page ad we are running in the Tampa Bay Times because we are hiring!


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