KnowBe4 Technical Content Team Produces Tons Of Cool Stuff

Templates_MistressI thought you might want to have an update on what kinds of content the KnowBe4's Technical Content team has been producing lately. (The picture here is Katie, our Technical Content Director and me at a recent Halloween.)

  • We are getting close to 3,000 phishing templates in KMSAT--our current number is over 2,900. (We'll let you know when we hit the big 3K!)
  • We are adding 40+ phishing templates each month, often more. In addition to the 10 reported phishes from the (free) Phish Alert Button each week, we add at least 1 current event-related or holiday template each week.
  • We are creating a new Security Hint & Tip each month (end of the month) about a new topic each time. This month's tip is about Pretexting scams.
    • Topics from recent months include: IRS/Tax Scams, Extortion, Password Reuse, Smishing, and Online Dating Scams.
  • We are up to 77 landing pages. We're adding to our new Holiday/Seasonal category soon for St. Patrick's Day and Easter, and we also add to our Data Breach category when we hear of new data breaches.
  • We've added more content (25 new phishing templates) in Finnish, Danish, and Burmese. We've also added five new South African templates recently.
  • And... we have over 430 articles in our Knowledge Base now!

Topics: KnowBe4

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