In their "Movers and Shakers" section they stated: "KnowBe4 is a high flying computer based security awareness training company listed at No. 139 on the Inc. 500 and now at No. 38 on the Cybersecurity 500. Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most famous hacker, is Chief Hacking Officer at the fast growing provider of new school employee training aimed at thwarting spear-phishing and other cyber attacks."
KnowBe4 was also mentioned in their official press release:
You can see the full list here, KnowBe4 sits at #38 snugly in between Checkmarx and Dell SecureWorks:
I strongly suggest you get a quote for new-school security awareness training for your organization and find out how affordable this is. You simply have got to start training and phishing your users ASAP. If you don't, the bad guys will, because your filters never catch all of it. Get a quote now and you will be pleasantly surprised.
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Let's stay safe out there.
Warm regards,
Stu Sjouwerman,
Founder and CEO, KnowBe4, Inc