Here are important fresh content updates and new features to share with you that happened in the month of May.
[NEW PhishER Feature] Flip the Script on Phishing Emails with PhishFlip
We are excited to announce the availability of PhishFlip™ as part of the PhishER product.
The bad guys are always coming up with new, devious phishing techniques to trick your users. PhishFlip is a new PhishER feature that allows you to respond in real time and turn the tables on the bad guys. With PhishFlip, you can now immediately ‘flip’ a dangerous attack into an instant real-world training opportunity for your users.
When you use the KnowBe4 product with PhishER as part of your email security workstream, PhishFlip can help you take your security awareness training program to a whole new level. The products work together to not only remove email threats from your users’ mailboxes, but also turn them into instant training opportunities for your users. For more information, sign up for your own one-on-one demo today!
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NEW! Mobile-First Modules
We are happy to announce the availability of Mobile-First Modules in the KnowBe4 ModStore. Mobile-First modules are training content built for mobile consumption that allow you to quickly and effectively train your users on a specific security topic. These modules are great for on-the-go users or for users that may be located in low-bandwidth regions. Mobile-First training content is short in length (5 minutes or less), text-based, and includes engaging interactive scenarios.
You can find Mobile-First modules in the KnowBe4 ModStore by using the Content Types drop-down filter and selecting the Mobile-First checkbox. Sign up for the KnowBe4 Modstore Preview to check out this new training content.Start Your Preview
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KnowBe4 added five new pieces of training content this month and includes new Mobile-First Modules. Highlighted content this month:
Staying Safe in the Cloud
Using the cloud doesn’t mean your employees don’t need to have a security mindset. This training module briefly explains what the cloud is and some of the security threats that exist. It then illustrates attitudes and behaviors that reduce the risks from those threats and concludes with a quiz.
KnowBe4 training content is available across all subscription levels.
The Security Awareness Company (SAC)
SAC added nine new pieces of training content to the ModStore in May. Highlighted content this month:
June 2021 Security Awareness Newsletter
Data privacy and compliance regulations vary by industry and country, but they all center around one global goal: protecting individuals’ information. Our personal data flows through countless entities and organizations that use it to grant us goods and services. Without regulations, there would be no governing of how data is collected, stored, transmitted, or destroyed.
In this month's edition, Data Privacy & Compliance, we focus on those concerns and serves as a refresher of why these regulations represent a vital part of privacy and security. The newsletter and complementing scavenger hunt questions are both available in 18 languages.
Training content from The Security Awareness Company is available at the Diamond subscription level.
Popcorn Training
Three new training modules from Popcorn Training were added and include Mobile-First modules. Highlighted content this month:
Cyber Snaps Series: Cyber Security
This module provides an overview of cyber crime, what the bad guys are after and how they target you and your organization. Use this snappy module to identify social engineering tactics to ensure that you do not fall victim to one of these scams.
Popcorn Training content is available at the Diamond subscription level.

El Pescador
A new brandable training module is available from El Pescador this month.
You Are a Target!
In this Mobile-First module, learn some of the tactics hackers use against you and your organization. This content is part of the "Pay Attention to Cybercriminals'' series and concludes with a quiz.
El Pescador content is available at the Diamond subscription level.
A new brandable training module is available from MediaPro this month.
Beating Ransomware
This Mobile-First training module teaches employees how ransomware works, how criminals use ransomware to hijack files and systems, and some of the warning signs of a ransomware attack.
MediaPro content is available at the Diamond subscription level.
In addition to fresh new training content, you want content localized to the language needs of your organization and users. That's why in addition to constantly updated and new content, KnowBe4 releases fresh new translations regularly to the ModStore.

Check out the new translations added to the KnowBe4 ModStore:
- The 15-minute 2021 Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training is now available in 36 languages
- SAC's Password Game Show Trivia is now available in 34 languages
- Twist & Shout's Security Snapshots video modules are now available in 34 languages
- Newsletters/Security Documents/Posters: 34
- Games/Assessments/Training modules: 71
- Video Modules: 73
Ready to see how you can build a mature security awareness training program using great, fresh content from the KnowBe4 library?
As of May 31, 2021 KnowBe4 has:
- 1,300 Pieces of Education and Training Content
- 349 Interactive Training Modules
- 470 Video Modules
- 216 Posters and Artwork
- 239 Newsletters and Security Docs
- 26 Games
- Over 8,000 Phishing Templates