A lot of new modules have been added to the KnowBe4 ModStore:
- We refreshed 26 Language versions for our 15 min KMSAT course. (Available now).
- 20 language versions for Ransomware will be available this week.
- 2018 KMSAT 25 min will be available this week
- For the rest of February, we will release refreshed versions of:
- 2018 KnowBe4 Security Awareness
- 2018 Your Role, Internet Security and You
- 2018 Social Engineering Red Flags
- 2018 Danger Zone
- 2018 Common Threats
- 2018 Social Engineering Micro-module
- 20 Language versions of 2018 Mobile Device Security and 2018 CEO Fraud
- A video for your end users was released--it explains how to get started with their KnowBe4 training. You can include a link to this video with your training notifications if you'd like to, to help explain the training process.
- Phish Alert Button CSV download is now available on the KnowBe4 console Dashboard and shows the number of simulated vs. non-simulated emails reported.
- New Facebook, Office 365, and Netflix Landing Pages were added to System Landing Pages.
- Enhancements were made to all tabs that display email templates. This includes:
- The My Templates, System Templates, and Community Templates tabs under the Phishing portion of the console
- The My Templates and System Templates tabs under the Training portion of the console
- AwareGO was added as a publisher in the ModStore and is available with Diamond-level subscriptions.
- The "2018 Creating Strong Passwords" module is now available in 20 additional languages (Gold/Platinum/Diamond subscriptions).
- A new version of was PAB released (1.1.16). See Phish Alert Release Notes for details.
Want to keep track of what features are added in real-time? Keep checking the KnowBe4 Change Log Page!
See it for yourself and get a live, one-on-one demo.
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