Check out the content and feature updates in the KnowBe4 platform for the month of May!
We’re excited to announce new security awareness training content from El Pescador, our newest member to the KnowBe4 family.
El Pescador is the first Brazilian platform to conduct simulations of phishing attacks and security awareness training and has developed an exclusive educational cycle methodology with content focused on phishing available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
Seven new content items have been added to the KnowBe4 ModStore in various languages, with more content to come and is available with a Diamond level subscription.
Video modules include:
- Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados - This course features the funny and educational Captain El Pescador about The Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which becomes valid in 2020 all over the nation. Available in Portuguese.
- C-Level Phishing - This video module teaches how people with leadership positions should be careful with shared information. Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish-Latin America.
- Finance Sector Phishing - This course is focused on helping people in financial departments be more aware of a hacker's attempts to infiltrate this most sensitive area. Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish-Latin America.
- Relationship Trust - This video module talks about phishing attacks that take advantage of relationships to get information and manipulate the user. Learn how to identify and react when you are targeted. Available in English.
- Phishing: Why Should We Care - Available in English and Portuguese.
- Phishing, The Major Cause of Information Leakage - Available in English and Portuguese.
- The Threat May Be Closer Than You Think - Available in English and Portuguese.
Want to check out this new content from El Pescador?
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New Current Event Phishing Template Categories
We had a fun idea come up after one of our customers asked a question at the second annual KnowBe4 User Conference. The customer asked, "With all the templates that we have available in Current Events, how can we be sure that our users always get the latest and greatest one?"

Did you know we have landing page templates with a Point of Failure Video Training category and a Point of Failure Courses category that offers an additional training component when users fail a simulated phishing test?
These categories include built-in landing page templates with video courses and training modules embedded right into the landing page! These landing page templates contain short training or video modules that you can include in your phishing campaigns that give your users interactive point-of-failure training!
2019 Danger Zone Training
Last month, we announced the availability of the new 2019 Danger Zone game designed to be a post-training activity after completing the 2019 Your Role, 2019 Red Flags and 2019 Common Threats modules.

A new Security Document and Poster are now available to supplement the courses and game.
Executive Series Video Modules Updates
Five video modules as part of the KnowBe4 Executive Series have been updated to include optimizations within the video player that include closed captioning, full-screen capability, and volume control. The modules include:
- Social Engineering the Executive
- Securely Working from Home
- Safe Web Browsing with Corporate Devices
- Mobile Device Security
- Social Media Precautions for Executives
The Security Awareness Company (SAC)Like automobiles, buildings, and our own bodies, devices require a bit of maintenance. Ignoring simple actions, such as updating apps and deleting/organizing files, not only leads to degraded performance, it also invites security risks.
The May SAC Newsletter focuses on those risks and highlight how they can be avoided both at work and at home.
New video micro-modules SAC added this month include:
- What is Business Email Compromise (BEC)
This video is a comprehensive overview of tactics organizations can use to identify business email compromise. - Avoiding Business Email Compromise (BEC)
This video defines business email compromise and explains how this cyber attack affects upper management and high profile employees.

Additionally, three new Security Documents and four new posters were added that include:
Security Documents:
- Time is Not on Your Side
- Types of Incidents to Report
- Preventing APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats)
- Setting Security Goals
- What is Privileged Access?
- Security Superhero
- Tax Season Security Basics

Want an all-access pass to the most comprehensive security awareness training content? With a Diamond level subscription, see how much is available for your training needs!
As of May 31, 2019 KnowBe4 has:
- 937 Pieces of Education and Training Content
- 231 Interactive Training Modules
- 206 Video Modules
- 292 Posters and Artwork
- 191 Newsletters and Security Docs
- 17 Games
- Over 3,000 Phishing Templates