Your KnowBe4 Fresh Content Updates from September 2023

Check out the 66 new pieces of training content added in September, alongside the always fresh content update highlights, events and new features.


Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 is Here! 

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and we want to help you run an engaging security awareness training campaign this month and beyond!

We put together a set of free resources you can use to help your users keep up their cybersecurity defenses. You also get access to a user guide and weekly planner to make it easy to plan your activities.

We hope these resources help you keep your users on their toes with security top of mind!

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NEW! Callback Phishing 

Callback phishing isn't your typical email scam. Threat actors set up a multi-layered trap using some smooth-talking tactics to get you to dial a fake number and spill your sensitive information. The good news is you can run simulated callback phishing campaigns in your KnowBe4 console to see if your users will call an unknown phone number in an email and share sensitive information.

How does it work?

An email lands in your users' inbox with a phone number and a callback code. If they dial the number, they'll be asked for the callback code. Your users face two challenges. First, they fail if they dial the number and enter the code from the email. Second, they fail if they provide any personal information, like Social Security or credit card numbers. You can use premade templates, including email and audio, create custom templates using text-to-speech, or by uploading audio files.

Callback Phishing is available to customers with a Diamond-level subscription.

Learn more on how you can take advantage of the Callback Phishing feature when implementing your security awareness training program within your organization! 

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KnowBe4 – 2024 Common Threats 

In this training module, you will learn some of the latest ways that cybercriminals are targeting you and your organization using social engineering. Kevin Mitnick demonstrates a new spin on a common email trick to show how cybercriminals get information from you and then access your computer and the organization's network. 

Fifteen new pieces of training content added this month. 2024 Common Threats is available across Gold, Platinum and Diamond subscription levels.

The Security Awareness Company – Top 5 Phishing Fundamentals 

Phishing continues to be one of the most common and effective cyber attacks that target organizations and individuals alike. This short Mobile-First module reviews the five fundamentals of phishing attacks to reinforce what phishing is, why it's dangerous and how to avoid falling for common scams. 

Eighteen new pieces of training content added this month. Training content from the Security Awareness Company, including Top 5 Phishing Fundamentals, is available at the Diamond subscription level. 

Popcorn Training – World Wild Web: Acceptable Use of Devices  

Countless threats are trying to find new ways of compromising your devices. That is why your organization has such strict policies in place about what work devices can and cannot be used for. In this training module, you will learn how to browse the internet safely and protect yourself against cybercrime. 

Twenty-four new pieces of training content added this month. Training content from Popcorn Training, including World Wild Web: Acceptable Use of Devices, is available at the Diamond subscription level. 

exploqii – NIS2: Directive on Cybersecurity in the EU

The new EU Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) aims to establish a shared, high standard of cybersecurity across all member states of the European Union. It replaces the previous Directive (NIS), applies to an increased number of critical infrastructure sectors and is updated in line with the current threat landscape. In this training module, you will find out about NIS2's incident reporting and cybersecurity management requirements. 

Eight new pieces of training content added this month. Training content from exploqii, including NIS2: Directive on Cybersecurity in the EU, is available at the Diamond subscription level. 

El Pescador – How To Behave: Protecting Sensitive Information 

This Mobile-First module is key for improving security practices in your organization. Your users will learn about the various types of sensitive data and how to keep them secure. At the end, your users will be better equipped to protect sensitive information, reduce risk and prevent cybersecurity breaches.  

One new piece of training content added this month. Training content from El Pescador, including How To Behave: Protecting Sensitive Information, is available at the Diamond subscription level. 


In addition to fresh new training content, you want content localized to the language needs of your organization and users. That's why in addition to constantly updated and new content, KnowBe4 releases fresh new translations regularly to the ModStore.

In the month of September, 441 new translations were added for the following training content categories:

  • Newsletters/Security Documents/Posters: 21
  • Games/Assessments/Training Modules: 252
  • Video Modules: 168


LIVE DEMO - Simulated Phishing and Awareness Training 

Old-school awareness training does not hack it anymore. Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense.

Join us Wednesday, October 4, @ 2:00 PM (ET), for a live 30-minute demonstration of how KnowBe4 introduces a new-school approach to Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing. 

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Check out the list of all KnowBe4 upcoming events and on-demand webinars here:


September 2023 Content Update-1


The world's largest library of security awareness training content is now just a click away!

In your fight against phishing and social engineering you can now deploy the best-in-class simulated phishing platform combined with the world's largest library of security awareness training content; including 1000+ interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters.

You can now get access to our new ModStore Preview Portal to see our full library of security awareness content; you can browse, search by title, category, language or content topics.

ModStore01-1The ModStore Preview includes:

  • Interactive training modules
  • Videos
  • Trivia Games
  • Posters and Artwork
  • Newsletters and more!

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