Check out the January updates in Compliance Plus so you can stay on top of featured compliance training content.
KnowBe4 – Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (California) Section 1
This is section one of the four-part Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (California) course. This module covers the importance of preventing workplace harassment, the laws prohibiting harassment and some of the key responsibilities managers have in preventing harassment. This content covers harassment training requirements for managers and supervisors as outlined in California AB 1825 and SB 1343.
KnowBe4 – Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (California) Section 2
This is section two of the four-part Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (California) course. This module provides a deeper understanding of sexual harassment through examples and scenarios, illustrating different types of harassing behavior, including quid pro quo and hostile work environment harassment. This content covers harassment training requirements for managers and supervisors as outlined in California AB 1825 and SB 1343.
KnowBe4 – An Introduction to Insider Trading
Insider trading is trading based on material nonpublic information, which is unethical and often illegal. Employees who work for publicly traded organizations, financial institutions (such as investment banks and private equity firms), and government organizations that deal with financial regulation and oversight should understand the importance of preventing insider trading. In this Mobile-First Module, employees will learn about the key elements of insider trading, the difference between nonmaterial and material information, and how to prevent insider trading.
exploqii – Human Trafficking - Updated EU Directive
Human trafficking is a global problem that violates fundamental human rights and involves numerous forms of exploitation. This module provides employees with a comprehensive understanding of human trafficking, its various forms and recent developments in this context. Employees will learn what human trafficking is, who is particularly at risk, and the role modern technologies play in trafficking. This module highlights the updates made to the EU directive on combating human trafficking and explains how this directive is implemented in practice.
El Pescador – Direito do trabalho no Brasil: Remuneração e benefícios no regime estatutário (Labor Law in Brazil: Pay and Benefits Under Statutory Law)
This course explores the key aspects of Brazil’s legal framework for government employees, with a focus on compensation and benefits as outlined in statutory regulations. Follow the career path of Igor, an infrastructure specialist at a city department, to gain comprehensive insights into working conditions within the Brazilian public sector. Through Igor’s experiences, you’ll learn about the intricacies of employment in Brazilian public administration, from hiring processes to retirement benefits. This Mobile-First Module is available in Portuguese only.