We took almost 25,000 Hackbusters #infosec articles from 100+ feeds in 2014 and tabulated the hot topics. This "word-cloud" infographic is the result!
What's Really The #1 Hot InfoSec Topic?
There is an enormous amount of noise in the security space, so how do you know what people really talk about and think is the most important topic? Well, we created the Hackbusters site for that. It grabs feeds from hundreds of security sites, blogs and other sources.
We track which topics are most liked, shared, retweeted and favored, and we built an algorithm that bubbles up the -real- hot topics. We tweet when a #1 hot security topic bubbles up. Follow this new channel called @Hackbusters on Twitter and you will get tweets with the actual breaking hot security news:
PS: If you want this data via a browser instead of twitter, you can go here: