[INFOGRAPHIC] Holiday Phishing Red Flags to Watch Out For

Phishing attacks never slow down during the holiday season. Experian reported that 1 in 4 victims fell victim to fraud during the holidays.

It's more important than ever for you and your users to be vigilant of any potential suspicious activity. This helpful infographic is an example of an e-card "from a friend", a very common phishing email type seen around the holidays and the common red flags they might see in an email like this: 


Click here to download the full infographic (PDF). This is great to share with your users!

The red flags used in this example that your users should be watching out for are:

  1. Do you know who the sender is? 
  2. Do you normally receive holiday specific emails at work?
  3. Is this link reliable? Should I open this attachment?
  4. If I hover over the link, is it taking me to a different address?
  5. Does the file attachment have a possibly dangerous file extension? 
  6. How urgent is this email? 

Make sure you and your users stay safe this holiday season! 

Get Your Free 2023 Holiday Security Awareness Resource Kit

It's the busiest time of year for everyone, especially cybercriminals. They know surges in online shopping, holiday travel and time constraints can make it easier to catch users off their guard with relevant schemes. This makes one of the busiest times of year one of the most important times for your employees to stay vigilant against cybersecurity threats.

 That's why we put together this resource kit to help ensure no chunks of cyber-coal end up in your employees’ stockings this season! Use these resources to help your users make smarter security decisions every day.

Holiday-Resource-Kit-2023Here's what you'll get:

  • New! Holiday Cybersecurity World Passport interactive game
  • Two free holiday training modules, available in multiple languages
  • Resources to share with your users, including an educational video, plus security documents and digital signage to reinforce the free modules included in the kit
  • Newsletters about holiday shopping and travel safety for your users
  • Access to resources for you to help with security planning for the upcoming year

Get Your Free Resource Kit Now!

PS: Don't like to click on redirected buttons? Cut & Paste this link in your browser:


Topics: Phishing, KnowBe4

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