[HEADS UP] Office 365 Phishing Attacks Now Use Fake Zoom Suspension Alerts

office 365 phishing zoom alertsMicrosoft Office 365 users are targeted by a new phishing campaign using fake Zoom notifications to warn those who work in corporate environments that their Zoom accounts have been suspended, with the end goal of stealing Office 365 logins.

So far the phishing campaign impersonating automated Zoom account suspension alerts has landed in over 50,000 mailboxes based on stats provided by researchers as email security company Abnormal Security who spotted these ongoing attacks.

"The importance of Zoom as a communications method is essential in a world under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic," Abnormal Security explained. "Thus, the user may rush to correct their account, click on the malicious link, and inadvertently enter credentials on this bad website."

If they fall for the attackers' tricks, the victims' Microsoft credentials will be used to take full control of their accounts and all their information will be ripe for the picking, later to be used as apart of identity theft and fraud schemes such as Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks. New-school security awareness training ensures your users know how to spot the potential warning signs as they continue to work in an at-home environment. 

Bleeping Computer has the full story: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/persuasive-office-365-phishing-uses-fake-zoom-suspension-alerts/

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