From Pig Butchering to People Talking

blog.knowbe4.comhubfssocial-suggested-imagesblog.knowbe4.comhubfsSocial Image RepositoryEvangelist Blog Social GraphicsEvangelists-Javvad Malik-1.Interpol has recently recommended discontinuing the use of the term "Pig Butchering" in cybercrime discussions, expressing concern that such terminology may discourage victims from reporting incidents due to feelings of shame or embarrassment.

While some may question whether Interpol is over analysing the situation, it is prudent to consider the implications carefully. Modifying established cybersecurity terminology could potentially lead to public confusion. However, if current terms are deterring victims from coming forward, it presents a significant issue that warrants attention.

It is important to note that certain cybersecurity jargon serves a valuable purpose within the industry, facilitating efficient communication among professionals. Nevertheless, when engaging with the general public, it is crucial to adopt more accessible language. Technical terminology should be reserved for professional settings and discussions among experts.

To encourage cyber victims to report incidents without hesitation or embarrassment, the following strategies could be implemented not just at a public level, but also within organisations to help improve reporting. 

Remove Stigma 
Develop a public awareness initiative emphasising that falling victim to a scam is a common occurrence and does not reflect negatively on an individual's intelligence. Within your organisation, having an executive talk about their experience of being scammed, a near miss, or reporting an issue can help with this. 

Allow Anonymous Reporting 
Not all reports need the details of victims. So look to establish confidential reporting mechanisms to protect the privacy of those who may be reluctant to come forward publicly.

Streamline Reporting Processes 
Simplify the procedure for reporting cybercrimes to make it more user-friendly and less time-consuming. Within your organisation consider deployment of technologies such as the Phish Alert Button (PAB) which staff can easily hit to report suspicious emails. 

Awareness and Training 
Have in place consistent and relevant awareness campaigns which focus not only on educating people on the relevant scams, but also reinforce the importance of reporting incidents. 

Positive Reinforcement 
Publicise success stories where victim reporting led to the apprehension of cybercriminals. Within your organisation, celebrate those who successfully report issues, thereby encouraging others to come forward.

Support Networks 
Create secure platforms for victims to share experiences and receive support from others who have faced similar situations. This can be as simple as a monthly coffee and chat session where people can discuss cybersecurity issues and challenges.  

Incentivised Reporting Systems 
Consider implementing a system that rewards individuals for submitting detailed reports or assisting in the identification of scammers, similar to gamification principles.

With people being busy and having many competing priorities, adaptability is crucial. As we continuously adjust our defenses against emerging threats, we must also be prepared to modify our communication strategies so that they are personalized, relevant, and adaptive. 

By reimagining our approach to reporting, we can create an environment where victims feel empowered to come forward. This shift in perception and practice could potentially lead to a significant increase in reported incidents, thereby enhancing our collective ability to combat cybercrime effectively.

It is essential to remember that regardless of the terminology used to describe various scams, the act of reporting these crimes is a critical step in maintaining digital security and bringing perpetrators to justice.

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