Check out the 26 new pieces of training content added in April, alongside the always fresh content update highlights and new features.

Upload Your Organization's Custom Training Content
Did you know? We're excited to highlight how you can use the KnowBe4 platform as your Learning Management System (LMS). Upload your own SCORM-compliant training and video content in any language you choose.
The uploaded content is saved to your account and can only be viewed by your organization. Once uploaded, you can assign custom content to your users in any of your training campaigns. You can add up to 100 custom courses, tailoring your training program to what works best for your organization.
This feature is available across all subscription levels.
Learn more on how you can take advantage of uploading your organization's custom training content when implementing your security awareness training program!
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The Security Awareness Company – June Newsletter
With enough stolen data, a criminal hacker can assume someone's digital identity to open fraudulent accounts in their name, file fake insurance claims, and a variety of other scams that you want to avoid.
This month's edition, Identity Theft, focuses on the power of personal data by reviewing different types of identity theft, explains how to protect information, and explores non-technical ways criminals steal data. The newsletter is available in 18 languages.
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Seven new pieces of training content added this month. Training content from the Security Awareness Company, including the June Newsletter, is available at the Diamond subscription level.
Popcorn Training – PCI DSS Corporate Offices
This module, part of the Business Conduct Series, ensures that corporate offices who process payment card data are aware of the controls required by The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to protect payment card and personal information.
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Four new pieces of training content added this month. The Popcorn Training PCI DSS Corporate Offices module is available at the Diamond subscription level.
El Pescador – Ship-Based Security Tips
When it comes to security at sea, there are certain vulnerabilities that all employees must be aware of. Both the vessel's restricted areas and the ship's systems and automation can be targeted by social engineers. This module, as part of the "Ship-Based Security Tips" series, teaches your users how to avoid security incidents at sea.
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Seven new pieces of training content added this month. The El Pescador Ship-Based Security Tips module is available at the Diamond subscription level.
In addition to fresh new training content, you want content localized to the language needs of your organization and users. That's why in addition to constantly updated and new content, KnowBe4 releases fresh new translations regularly to the ModStore.
In the month of May, 235 new translations were added for the following training content categories:
- Newsletters/Security Documents/Posters: 23
- Games/Assessments/Training Modules: 96
- Video Modules: 116

Ready to see how you can build a mature security awareness training program using great, fresh content from the KnowBe4 library?
To see the full list of new content added this month and get an inside look into the KnowBe4 platform, sign up for the ModStore Training Preview today!
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