Simple Facebook Phishing Scam Takes an Unexpected Turn to Throw Potential Victims Off the Scent

Simple Facebook Phishing Scam Takes an Unexpected Turn to Throw Potential Victims Off the ScentRather than take the usual path of sending an email and linking to a spoofed logon page, this attack takes a different set of actions that at first make no sense but may actually be brilliant.

So, you get an email that seemingly looks like every phishing email you've received – pretty bland and simple, but with a message that those not in IT could fall for:

Facebook-phishing-emailSource: Malwarebytes

Now, you’re probably thinking that there’s a link to a look-alike Facebook page so threat actors can steal your credentials, right?

In this case your wrong. Security researchers at Malwarebytes have uncovered a multi-stage scam that starts with an email like the one above, but the link provided opens a new pre-filled email using a mailto: link to begin a dialog with a “customer support” person of some type.

At first glance, this seems like a really dumb step. But when you think about how the “email-to-logon page” method has been overdone, this may actually be an unexpected twist that may actually increase credibility. The emails contain the usual “good enough to pass a cursory glance” test, and the assumption is eventually the customer service person will ask for the victims credentials, or perhaps credit card details, etc.

So, is this dumb or brilliant? Time will tell.

Don’t get hacked by social media phishing attacks!

Many of your users are active on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Cybercriminals use these platforms to scrape profile information of your users and organization to create targeted spear phishing campaigns in an attempt to hijack accounts, damage your organization's reputation, or gain access to your network.

KnowBe4’s Social Media Phishing Test is a complimentary IT security tool that helps you identify which users in your organization are vulnerable to these types of phishing attacks that could put your users and organization at risk.

SPT-monitorHere's how the Social Media Phishing Test works:

  • Immediately start your test with your choice of three social media phishing templates
  • Choose the corresponding landing page your users see after they click
  • Show users which red flags they missed or send them to a fake login page
  • Get a PDF emailed to you in 24 hours with your percentage of clicks and data entered

Go Phishing Now!

PS: Don't like to click on redirected buttons? Cut & Paste this link in your browser:

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