Email-Based Cyber Attacks in Europe Increase 7-Fold in Just One Year

Email-Based Cyber Attacks in Europe Increase 7-Fold in Just One YearAn abnormally massive focus on business email compromise attacks in Europe has fueled an equally large growth in overall email attacks there, with the U.S. also seeing significant attack growth.

We’ve seen a lot of recent reports looking back at 2022 to help provide insight into what to continue to expect this year. But new data from security analysts at Abnormal Security takes us well into June of this year, highlighting the problem of email-based attacks.

According to their analysis, Europe has been experiencing an unprecedented 7x growth in the number of attacks – just 392 attacks per 1000 mailboxes in July of last year to a whopping 2,842 attacks per 1000 mailboxes last month. To put this in a slightly different perspective, that’s 2.8 attacks per mailbox!


As shown above, the U.S. has also experienced a 5x growth in the same timeframe.

With a 10x growth in BEC attacks targeting European businesses and a more than 90% likelihood of experiencing a BEC attack, BEC attacks in Europe are part of the reason for the massive growth in overall email attacks.

With both Europe and the U.S. both experiencing growth in email-based attacks, it’s absolutely imperative that organizations shore up email security – which includes security awareness training to address the material percentage of malicious emails that make it past security solutions.

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