KnowBe4 is hiring people for our sales team in Tampa Bay FL

Stu Sjouwerman Nov 2013

KnowBe4 will pay anyone a thousand bucks for a referral that gets us a good sales rep!

My name is Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced shower-man). KnowBe4 is my fifth startup. I teamed up with Kevin Mitnick who is a world famous former hacker. We created and started selling security awareness training, because that market is underserved and the solutions out there are not effective. 

We have done exceptionally well with our Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training. We are growing well over 100% per year. Any organization that accepts credit cards is required to give their employees security awareness training; this is a massive market since 80% of organizations take cards. 

Not every sale is easy though, the challenge is that some opportunities are off-budget and the system administrator needs help to get budget approval. Some are easy, some are hard. But this is a fun game to play!

We need reps that want to get in on the ground floor of this hot space. Ideally they need to have some experience in IT security sales, but for sure they need to have a proven track record selling software. Knowing SalesForce is a plus.

We are looking for Reps who know how to sell to SMB (Small to medium Business). Your leads are generated by Marketing. There is no cold calling. You sell to accounts from 25 to 1000 seats. This is an in-house Rep position in the Tampa Bay, FL area. 

If you know how to sell, work hard, are disciplined and ethical, you are able to make between 60 and 100K+ per year in a fun, and sane environment!

Know anyone? Forward this post to them, if they get hired and make it through their 90 days, I will cut you a check. Interested yourself? Send your resume to HR AT and we'll get in touch with you. 

 Stu’s Rules

This is KnowBe4's Operating System: 

  1. Do it right the first time
  2. Do it fast
  3. Have fun while you do it!

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