Backup Failures And Ransomware Phishing: Recipe For Disaster

52% experience multiple backup failures per year

With system administrators in the crossfire between cybergangs who are wielding sophisticated ransomware like CryptoLocker on one side and CryptoDefense on the other, it's likely many of them have had backups and disaster preparedness on their minds. And that is a smart thing to do, because it looks like that their backup efforts need a boost.

Baseline Magazine recently reported on the findings from cloud storage provider TwinStrata, who "indicate that companies are plagued by backup issues— even when no emergencies threaten their data. The majority of respondents say they're experiencing multiple backup failures each year. Despite the fact that most organizations say the volume of data they need to back up is increasing, more than half of them aren't backing up applications daily. And when a disaster does hit, nearly two-thirds say it takes days to recover."

If over 50% of companies have problems with backups, and if end-users are not getting effective security awareness training, (so that they will open ransomware phishing attachments and get their workstation infected and files encrypted) that's an accident waiting to happen, costing days of lost production time.  End-users are the first line of defense and to prevent a whole bunch of lost files, lost time, or both, they need to get trained and constantly sent simulated phishing attacks so that they stay on their toes and keep security top of mind.




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