REVIEWS: Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course

Now that the Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course is released and commercially available we thought you might be interested in hearing what people tell us when we ask them what they thought after doing the course. This was a short 3-question survey sent to 230 people. We will start with Question 2 and 3, and then give you a sample of the open "essay" questions at the end.

Question 2 was: "How would you rate the course?" There were 5 options ranging from 'Poor' through to 'Excellent'.  No one opted for 'Poor', Fair got 3.3%, Good came in at 16.7%, 'Very good' was the majority with 46.7% and 'Excellent got 33.3%. In short, 80.6% gave the course Very Good or Excellent.

Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course Review


Question 2 was: "How likely are you to recommend the Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course to others?" There were 5 options ranging from 'Not at all likely' through to 'Extremely likely'. 'Not at all likely' got 3.3%, 'Slightly likely' was at zero. 'Moderately likely' came in at 23.3%, 'Very likely' was 30% and 'Extremely likely' got the majority with 43.3%. In short, 73.3% stated that it was very or extremely likely they would recommend the course.

Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course Review

And here are some of the replies we got to this (anonymous) survey on the question: "Tell us how you liked the Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course?" 

- "I find it to be well prepared and easy to understand."

- "A good comprehensive course. Having separate sections is a good idea so people who are busy can do one section at a time."

- "This was an exceptional course. I have recommended it for all my family members. I talked with each one to make sure they take the course with the invitations I had sent to them."

- "It seems good. I knew most of the stuff (but I am a professional in this area). I am not sure though how engaging it would be for kids to take."

- "Great resource! I have printed out the security checklist"

- "I'm a cyber/information security major and I believe that this material is good for the general public, especially for parents!"

- "Very well presented, short segments, easy to follow,good content. Now if I can get my spouse to take it we will be in good shape." 

- "Thought it was very good. Had the right amount of repetition that the more unaware users might retain some of that information."

- "I've been web surfing for a long time but still found interesting tips in the presentations. This type of instruction would be really good for someone who is relatively new to on-line security."

- "I thought the course is laid out very good for the lay Internet user. I work with computers all day long and I was getting some very useful information out of the course. I think every person that uses a computer should take a course like this so they know all of the dangers lurking out there for them."

- "It seemed quite simple to navigate, and on a par with the commercial courses I take as an admin for servers."

- "It was good information in a form that a 'regular' user is able to understand.This is information that anyone using a computer really should know."

Here is a link to the new microsite that was built specifically for the Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course. The course is available in a 5-pack for $29.95 and as a 10-pack for families or small businesses for $39.95. Link:


Related Pages: Kevin Mitnick

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