CyberheistNews Vol 3, 15

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 15
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, 15

Editor's Corner


Scam Of The Week: New Pope Becomes Latest Lure

Bad guys are now using the new Pope Francis as bait in malware, phishing and spam attacks. There is a drive-by malware campaign that uses a bogus CNN article to get people to an infected website that, once your user opens it, infects their workstation with the Blackhole Exploit Kit, the #1 cybercrime tool to deliver all kinds of malware. Your users need to look out for email from "CNN Breaking News", Here are the subjects:
- Opinion: Family sued new Pope. Exclusive!
- Opinion: New pope tries to shake off the past
- Opinion: Can New-Pope Benedict be Sued for the Sex Abuse Cases?

Drive-by attacks use a link to an infected Web site instead of including the malware in the email attachment and have become a popular delivery mechanism. This latest Pope Francis campaign is part of a wider effort to use current news events for distributing spam and malware. The bad guys also use the economic crisis in Cyprus to try to trick people in clicking on links.

We have a FREE JOB AID for you. It's Kevin Mitnick's 30+ years of first-hand hacking experience condensed to a single page with 22 Social Engineering Red Flags. Here is a copy that your users can print and stick on their wall:

Bank Closings + Mobile Malware = Bad Combination

"After years of growth, banks are pruning their branches" is how the Wall Street Journal started an article that described how banks over the whole country are shutting down expensive brick & mortar branches. U.S. banks and thrifts shut 2,267 branches in 2012, and another 13,000 branches are expected to close over the next decade.

Where are those customers going? The banks are pushing people to online (smartphone) banking. Each time a bank customer deposits a check by snapping a picture on a mobile phone, which saves the bank $3.88 per transaction compared with a deposit at a teller window. Closing a whole branch saves a bank $300,000.

You already see where this is going. Cybercrime sees this and thinks: "Bingo" as Android malware is pretty much ready to take advantage of this. And if your employee is also using that phone as part of your Bring Your Own Disaster (BYOD) program, you can see it's a huge vulnerability and a data breach waiting to happen.

Quotes of the Week

"The best morale exists when you never hear the word mentioned. When you hear a lot of talk about it, it's usually lousy." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Morale is a state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope." - Louis L. Mann

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Thanks for reading CyberheistNews! Warm Regards, Stu Sjouwerman | Email me:
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Did you know that more than 60 percent of network malware infections are caused by social engineering? Because cyber-attacks are rapidly getting more sophisticated, the frustration level and risk continues to mount for both commercial and non-profit organizations.

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Webroot: Impact of Web-borne Threats On Businesses

Security company Webroot has recently published an interesting study on latest Web-borne threats and their economic impact providing also useful suggestions on how to implement an effective defense.

"Phishing represents one of the fastest-growing causes of data breaches and data loss as cybercriminals become progressively adept at luring users into divulging sensitive corporate data. The study states: ” … more than half of companies surveyed experienced phishing attacks in 2012. Phishing is particularly challenging because cybercriminals launch new sites that masquerade as legitimate sites so quickly and for such a short period of time that most existing Web security fails to detect them.”

There are some interesting graphs that you should check out:


IT Pros Stress Levels Slightly Down

The number of IT professionals considering leaving their job due to workplace stress has declined from 67% last year to 57% in 2013, according to a recent survey.

That doesn’t mean that life is simple for IT professionals — far from it. Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of all IT administrators surveyed still consider their job stressful (down only 4 percent from last year). And the hours are still long, with nearly one-third of those surveyed working more than eight hours of overtime each week in order to keep on top of their workload; the equivalent of working more than 10 weeks a year in overtime, according to the survey.

Phil Bousfield, GM of IT Operations at GFI Software, who conducted the second annual IT Administrator Stress Survey, said in a press statement that the increased importance of IT in the workplace is giving rise to this feeling of stress. More at the securitybistro site:


12 LinkedIn Mistakes IT Pros Make

LinkedIn is the go-to place for IT pros to market themselves, connect with co-workers, find former colleagues, and meet-up with like-minded folks. Oh, you can also find your next job there too. But many of us, whether we're in IT or not, wait until we decide to quit our current job to polish our LinkedIn profile. Take a few minutes now to make sure your profile showcases your accomplishments, and skills. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:


At RSA, Specious Arguments Against Security Awareness

Samantha Manke over at ComputerWorld wrote an interesting article and instead of the beginning I will give you the end, and you then decide if you want to read the whole article or not! Here goes:

"Interestingly, in the end, this non-debate debate had another effect on the audience that I would not have expected. They were asked both at the beginning and the conclusion of the session whether they thought security awareness was worthwhile. The first time they were asked, a very small number of people raised their hands. The second time, after the debate, the vast majority raised their hands. Who would have expected a stacked debate to have such an outcome?" Here it is:


Cyberheist 'FAVE' LINKS:

* This Week's Links We Like. Tips, Hints And Fun Stuff.

Super Fave. Watch full screen Hi-Def! Niagara Falls has been filmed many times using full sized helicopters. But with a remote controlled helicopter, there is no minimum altitude restriction. I want one!

See what happens when the characters of Rembrandt's most famous painting "The Night Watch" suddenly come alive in a shopping mall. Translation on the sign: "Our Heroes Are Back!" as the museum opens again. Great ad:

All animals can be jerks sometimes, it's not just cats:

This is how they do a flash mob in Munich, with the fun-loving Bavarian folk band "voXXclub":

Mantis – a two ton turbo diesel hexapod you can drive. Check out this monsta:

Dealing with exotic situations, Mr. Smooth travels half the world to arrive on time for the Soccer Cup Final:"

The longest truck in the world is 160 foot long, has 110 wheels on 28 axles and uses a 18-speed gearbox. Wow:

Super talented Border Collie 'Jumpy' performs 20 outstanding dog tricks in less than 60 seconds:

Wingwalker Teresa Stokes defies gravity at the 2012 EAA Airventure Show:

Riding on a bubble of air, this hovercraft glides over grass, sand and water and leaves absolutely no trace on the greens:

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