CyberheistNews Vol 3, #11


CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 11

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CyberheistNews Vol 3, 11

Editor's Corner


Scam Of The Week: Hugo Chavez Murdered By U.S.

As employees learn in our training, whenever there's a big story in the news - a natural disaster, an anticipated election, a celebrity death - you can be sure online scammers will try to exploit it.

So it is with the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Emails are circulating that blame the U.S. for Chavez's fatal cancer - but the most malignant things about the messages are the malicious links embedded in the text. Warn your users not to open any emails with a subject like that which might slip through the filters.

KnowBe4 has a new 'Current Events' Template for existing customers with a simulated phishing email using this topic as a Phishing Security Test. We recommend you schedule this test soon, while it is still fresh.

Security Defined

Did you know that the root of the word 'security' comes from the Latin 'securus'; SE + cura meaning "to care" so feeling no care; safe, certain. The thought also comes to mind that there might be diametrically opposed way to look at this, as in; "security is something that results when you do care."

Quotes of the Week

"This isn't phishing; it's not even spear phishing. It's laser- guided precision phishing!" - Bruce Schneier

"While we are making up our minds as to when we shall begin, the opportunity is lost." - Marcus Fabius Quintillianus, 1st Century Rome

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Thanks for reading CyberheistNews! Warm Regards, Stu Sjouwerman | Email me:
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Stop Phishing Security Breaches

Your end-users are the weak link in your network security. Today, your employees are frequently exposed to advanced phishing attacks, and over 90% of data breaches start with a phishing attack.

IT Security specialists call it your 'phishing attack surface'. The more email addresses that are exposed, the bigger your attack footprint is, and the higher the risk. It's often a surprise how many of your addresses are actually out there, and who's.

Find out now which of your email addresses are exposed. The Email Exposure Check (EEC) is a one-time free service. KnowBe4 customers with a Gold package get an EEC sent to them regularly so they can address the issues that are found. An example would be the email address and password of one of your users on a crime site. Fill out the form and we will email you back with the list of exposed addresses. The number is usually higher than you think.

Sign Up For Your Free Email Exposure Check Now:


How Phishing Attacks Are Evolving

"Phishing attacks are up, and the methods are changing. Paul Ferguson of the Anti-Phishing Working Group explains how phishers are fine-tuning their schemes and exploiting cross-platform technologies.

From PCs and Macs to mobile devices, cybercriminals no longer have to be selective about the operating systems they target, says Ferguson, vice president of threat intelligence for online security company IID (Internet Identity) and a member of the Anti-Phishing Working Group.

"What we have seen lately are attacks on cross-platform software," he says. "They only care about plug-ins or the browser. They don't care about the operating systems."

Increases in cross-platform technologies have made phishing attacks more fruitful, Ferguson explains, because they've made it easier for attackers to compromise desktops, laptops, mobile devices, websites and servers, all from a single campaign. "The cross-platform technologies are suffering from what I call 'the tragedy of the masses,' and criminals are taking advantage." Here is the interview by Tracy Kitten at BankInfoSecurity:


28 Percent of Data Breaches Lead to Fraud

New research says more than 25 percent of consumers hit by a data breach later become victims of identity fraud - especially when payment card information is exposed. But card issuers and consumers are taking proactive steps to mitigate their risk of fraud in the wake of a data breach, says Pascual, an analyst at Javelin Strategy & Research and lead researcher for "2013 Identity Fraud Report: Data Breaches Becoming a Treasure Trove for Fraudsters." The annual study has surveyed 48,200 respondents over the last 10 years and is the longest-running independent analysis of U.S. identity fraud. This is an interesting article at the BankInfoSecurity site:


The March Edition Of SANS' OUCH! Is Out.

Our friends at SANS are excited to announce the March edition of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Ted Demopoulos, they cover Social Networking Safely. They explain the dangers of using Social Networking sites and how you can protect yourself, your family and your organization. As always, they encourage you to download and share OUCH! with your family, friends and co-workers. English Version here:


Video: Akamai CSO Andy Ellis at RSA

This video was recorded by RSA Conference organizers. Here, Akamai CSO Andy Ellis talks about managing risk with psychology instead of brute force. This is an interesting talk and worth the 29 minutes; some good concepts and new language. Make it your next 'lunch & learn', Andy is a smart guy!:


Cyberheist 'FAVE' LINKS:

* This Week's Links We Like. Tips, Hints And Fun Stuff.

A Day Made of Glass 2 - Expanded Corning Vision. Check this out, in a few years we will live in this world, and provide tech support for it:

Russian trucks fearlessly crossing the Ili River in Kazakhstan:

This MorpHex robot is pretty cool!:

A TV spot from France takes up the debate between 'all digital' and the diehard defenders of the paper. Funny!:

The Ultimate Wake Up PRANK Compilation. Rude. Crass. NSFW. But funny:

A two-year-old boy able to recall his past life as a World War II fighter pilot with amazingly accurate details? ABC Primetime reports, you make up yor own mind:

A-10 Thunderbolt II jet airplanes performing air-to-air refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker:

Nothing warms the heart like animals that are supposed to fight each other abandoning their instincts and becoming best friends forever. Great for kids:

David Windestal sends a radio controlled airplane to the edge of space using a weather balloon and then - via a live video-feed - pilots it safely back down again. Very cool:

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