How Phishing Attacks Are Evolving


Tracy Kitten at bankinfosecurity reported: Phishing attacks are up, and the methods are changing. Paul Ferguson of the Anti-Phishing Working Group explains how phishers are fine-tuning their schemes and exploiting cross-platform technologies.

From PCs and Macs to mobile devices, cybercriminals no longer have to be selective about the operating systems they target, says Ferguson, vice president of threat intelligence for online security company IID (Internet Identity) and a member of the Anti-Phishing Working Group.

"What we have seen lately are attacks on cross-platform software," he says. "They only care about plug-ins or the browser. They don't care about the operating systems."

Increases in cross-platform technologies have made phishing attacks more fruitful, Ferguson explains, because they've made it easier for attackers to compromise desktops, laptops, mobile devices, websites and servers, all from a single campaign. "The cross-platform technologies are suffering from what I call 'the tragedy of the masses,' and criminals are taking advantage." Here is the article

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