CyberheistNews vol3, #01

CyberheistNews Vol 2, #54

Editor's Corner


[caption id="attachment_1367" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Stu"]cybercrime[/caption]

Antivirus Controversy

The New York Times had an interesting article a few days ago where they

are quoting a study by Imperva, a data security firm in Redwood City,

California. They started out: "Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game,

Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt", and went on with: "The bad guys

are getting worse, antivirus helps filter down the problem, but the

next big security company will be the one that offers a comprehensive

solution." Now our comment to that would be: "And that should include

security awareness training!" And although end-user training is more

than ever an essential part of your defense-in-depth, it's too early

to throw AV out the window.

The AV industry was dismayed that their technology was 'written off,'

and came back with a whole series of counterpoints. One of the best

was written by ESET's David Harley who notes that the Imperva report

has methodological holes and has dubious statistics. I recommend you

first read the NY Times article and then the ESET comments. This is

an interesting topic, because you are potentially going to be asked

about this in budget meetings. Here are the two links:

We Grew 470% from 2011 to 2012

Thanks for your support! KnowBe4's 2011 to 2012 year-over-year growth

was 470%, one more year of that means we’re going to be in the Inc 500.

So thanks for your support, together we create more secure networks

and employees. Have a great 2013.

Quotes of the Week

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more

important than any other."
– Abraham Lincoln

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This Is How Attackers Break Into Your Network

Phishing Security Test

91% of cyberattacks begin with a “spear-phishing” email, research from

security software firm Trend Micro shows. Are -you- vulnerable? Find

out now if your email server is configured correctly, many are not!

KnowBe4 offers you a free 'domain spoof test', which shows if we can

send you an email coming from someone in your own domain. It's quick,

easy and often a shocking discovery. The only thing we do is send an

email from the outside.

Can hackers spoof an email address from your own domain, which is

the first step of an incredibly expensive data breach? Find out now:


User Awareness Tops Security Leaders’ List of Challenges

Tom Field over at the Healthcare Infosecurity Site nails it: ”Heading

into 2013, security leaders across industry feel confident about their

processes and technology. People, though, continue to create the greatest

risks. Can “awareness in depth” make a difference? It doesn’t matter

whether the topic is fraud, mobility or leadership. As soon as you

discuss security vulnerabilities, the conversation turns to what these

three leaders agree is their greatest concern: People. In part one of a

multi-part panel interview, three security leaders weigh in on their

top challenges going into 2013, and it’s a very interesting article.

In healthcare, where every data breach is reported to regulators, and

where many incidents result from lost or stolen mobile devices, leaders

such as Christopher Paidhrin are putting extra emphasis on awareness and

training. “We have here at PeaceHealth Southwest a program called

‘awareness in depth,’” he says. “Similar to a technology ‘defense in

depth,’ we need ‘awareness in depth.’”

And that is exactly what you get with our Kevin Mitnick Security

Awareness Training:


Does Your (Home/Company) Alarm Have a Default Duress Code?

Brian Krebs lost his keychain over the holidays. And we can all learn

a valuable lesson here. He started out with this: "Sometimes it takes

a security scare to help improve your overall security posture. Case

in point: Over the holidays, I learned that our alarm system — one of

the most widely used home security systems in America — contains a

default code that disables the alarm. Although entering this code

simultaneously alerts the police that an intruder is in the house,

it also could give thieves just enough time to get away with your

valuables without alerting the neighbors." And your office has one too,

likely. Read this story and check this for your own alarm system!:


The 5 Coolest Hacks of 2012

The Dark Reading site did their homework and really dug up some

very cool hacks these last 12 months. Nothing was sacred -- the

nation's airspace, home power meters, videoconferences, and, in

an ironic twist, popular cybercrime tools. So...enjoy because

you may have missed a few of these:


Cyberheist 'FAVE' LINKS:

* This Week's Links We Like. Tips, Hints And Fun Stuff.

Human flight athlete Alexander Polli enters the New Year by flying through

a 6x4 foot "2013" sign just 6 feet off the ground. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2013 #2 Music Classic by the Swedish pop group "Abba":

This is what happens when you let daddy babysit:

Awesome people of 2012 doing the most amazing things:

Ron Fugelseth and his four-year-old son Jayden launched a toy train

into the stratosphere. Really:

The highway system of the future in the Netherlands glows in the dark

and has induction lanes to recharge electric cars. Check this out:

With most of the population living in high-rises, you'd think moving

day in Korea was a big headache. Not so!:

What's the difference between Holland and the Netherlands? And what

about the Dutch? I was born there and even -I- learned something new:

The DEFCON Documentary Preview Reel on Vimeo. This is just COOL:

Alexey Garagashyana takes his home-built all-terrain vehicle for a test drive on thin ice:

Pilot loses control of his aircraft, goes into a flat spin, spins 24 times, loses 2800 ft. of altitude in 40 seconds - and recovers 700 ft above the ground:

Topics: Cybercrime

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