Message From Kevin Mitnick

Kevin sent the folowing letter to 1,442 people that over the last 3 years filled out the his contact us form on the website. Of these, 1082 were delivered. Now, normally you expect an open rate of 15 to 20% if you are lucky. The open rate was 100% !!! This is a marketers' dream. One comment we got back:

"Well...Nothing quite makes you shit yourself like seeing an email from Kevin Mitnick in your inbox! Will check out the new site now thanks :) -- Rikki"

Hi ___,

I have some news that I think you will find interesting, and I am sending this email to everyone that has sent an inquiry via my website in the last few years.

First of all, I have partnered with KnowBe4,LLC a leading Internet Security Awareness Training company. I am excited to announce I will function as their Chief Hacking Officer, but will also continue to run Mitnick Security Consulting LLC, a professional services consulting firm that specializes in security assessments, hacker investigations, forensics, and penetration testing.

Over the last 8 months we have been working hard to create a new course that has the goal to inoculate employees against social engineering. And now I am proud to announce the new Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training™ course! You can find it at the KnowBe4 website:

This brand-new, high quality 30-40 minute web-based interactive training uses case-studies, live demonstration videos, and short tests. The course specializes in making sure employees understand the mechanisms of spam, phishing, spear-phishing, malware and social engineering, and are able to apply this knowledge in their day-to-day job. Employees also get a unique job-aid: Social Engineering Red Flags™ with 22 things to watch out for.

You can see part of the training: a 2-minute demo of me opening up an infected Word Document and the bad result that can cause. There is also the option to ask for a quote so you can budget in this new training for your organization.

This is the first time that my 36 years of first-hand hacking experience is available to protect your organization against social engineering!

Check it out at KnowBe4, my new training is getting excellent reviews:

PS, We will keep you up to date once a week on Tuesday with our CyberheistNews e-zine.

Kind Regards,

Kevin Mitnick

Chief Hacking Officer

KnowBe4 LLC


Topics: Cybercrime, KnowBe4

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