[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="361" caption="Malware Unique Samples"][/caption]
Malware is still exploding. Check out this graph. During the last few years, the security industry has come to a standard whereby they use the number of unique files in their malware collections distinguished by their MD5 hash (or checksum). Taking numbers from several sources like av-test.org and McAfee, we are now at 75 million unique binary files for 2011. The bad guys are not sitting still.
Malware is still exploding. Check out this graph. During the last few years, the security industry has come to a standard whereby they use the number of unique files in their malware collections distinguished by their MD5 hash (or checksum). Taking numbers from several sources like av-test.org and McAfee, we are now at 75 million unique binary files for 2011. The bad guys are not sitting still.