Message For The Owner: "Your Bank Account Emptied By Cyber Thieves"

Editor's Corner


Message For The Owner: "Your Bank Account Emptied By Cyber Thieves"

You own your own business. You worked hard to build it up. It’s your

life to a large extent, and you spend well over 40 hours a week building

it. Your employees are often like family (for better or for worse!)

They count on you to be their ‘fearless leader’ in many instances.

Over time you have put enough money aside so that you have a buffer

when times get bad. It sits in your corporate savings account over

at the bank. You think it is safe. Think again.

First of all, your corporate money is NOT INSURED by the FDIC against

fraud. Your personal accounts are, but business accounts are not

insured, except for one bank: JP Morgan Chase. Every other bank,

if cyber thieves hack into your network, take over your bank account,

and transfer money out of the country, you are NOT INSURED. Call your

bank; they will reluctantly acknowledge this fact. They are working

on additional cyber defenses, but at the moment this is the situation.

Now, cybercrime has gone ‘pro’ in the last 5 years. They have lots of

resources, lots of smart people, and they hack into businesses like

yours all day long, using your employees to get in. How? It’s called

‘social engineering’ which means manipulating someone to divulge

confidential information. Getting a password out of someone can take

just 3 minutes over the phone, or 3 seconds if an employee clicks on

a phishing email.

Apart from all the IT security measures your organization has taken,

you need one more additional security layer: People. Your employees

are in urgent need to get trained so they don’t fall for these scams.

Extremely affordable and something you cannot do without. It’s called

Security Awareness Training, and every organization needs to do it.

KnowBe4 tests your employees for free, so you know up front the

percentage that is vulnerable. The first thing we recommend is the

free Email Exposure Check, that shows you how many of your emails

are out there on the internet, available for the bad guys to attack

your employees.

Go to and fill out the free Email Exposure Check form.

Topics: Cybercrime

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