Editor's Corner
Facebook Malware Scam of the Week
A "worrying number" of Facebook users are sharing a link to a
malware-laden fake CNN news page reporting the U.S. has attacked Iran
and Saudi Arabia, security firm Sophos said Friday. This is a great
example of employees falling for a social engineering trick. You
could send them an email to warn them against this scam, and prevent
workstations in the office and at the house from getting infected.
Next Version of our Security Awareness Training
We are working hard on releasing the next version of our Security
Awareness Training. The existing version focuses a lot on detecting
phishing emails and not clicking on malicious link, and while the
new version still does that, we are expanding it to more training
on other forms of Social Engineering. To get you world-class quality,
we are working with an authority in the area. We hope to release the new version in the
March/April timeframe.