CyberheistNews #21

CyberheistNews Vol 1, #21

Editor's Corner


[caption id="attachment_1367" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Stu"]cybercrime[/caption]

Title Firm Sues Bank Over $207k Cyberheist

Been trying to get the word out about this, and Brian Krebs was at it

a lot earlier than I was. There is a new cyberheist with major legal

repercussions this time.

A title insurance firm in Virginia is suing its bank after an eight-day cyber

heist involving more than $2 million in thefts and more than $200,000 in losses

last year. In an unusual twist, at least some of the Eastern European thieves

involved in the attack have already been convicted and imprisoned for their

roles in the crime. Much more detail at the Krebs website:

They got infected with the ZeuS virus, which, you guessed it, gets

onto workstations using email and social engineering. Get those end-users


Quotes of the Week

"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the

- Dr. Carl Sagan

"I want to put a ding in the universe." - Steve Jobs

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not

judge the universe."
- Dalai Lama

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Shaking Up DARPA's Security Software Routine

WASHINGTON, DC -- Getting non-traditional security technology quickly into

military networks was at best a trying experience. Not only that, if you

or your company had a novel security tools the last place you may have

wanted to show it off would have been to the government.

But the inventor of L0phtCrack, a Microsoft password auditing tool and

ex-BBN scientist Peiter "Mudge" Zatko now a program manager with the

military's advanced research arm, DARPA, is changing those notions and

changing them quickly. Interesting article!


How Training Helps Prevent Breaches

HealthcareInfoSecurity has a great article about this. "A lack of ongoing

HIPAA compliance training increases the risk of internal breaches, says

Terrell Herzig, information security officer at UAB Medicine. "A lot of

organizations did their initial HIPAA training as required and that was

pretty much the extent of the training they offered," Herzig laments.

A HealthcareInfoSecurity survey shows 42 percent of organizations grade

their staff security training and awareness activities as poor, failing

or in need of improvement. More:


Cyberheist 'FAVE' LINKS:

* This Week's Links We Like. Tips, Hints And Fun Stuff.

The Best HD View of Earth from Space Ever - Stunning time lapse sequences

taken by the crew of ISS Expedition 28 & 29:

Air France presents "L'Envol", a poetic metaphor of flight. This is one

classy ad:

How many jelly beans does it take to make a music video? This one took

288,000 beans, 22 months, 1,357 hours, 30 people, two ladders and one

still camera:

'Simple Gratitude' - a beautiful and inspiring 5 min short film by

award-winning cinematographer and director Louie Schwartzberg:

The World's first manned flight of an electric multicopter. I can’t wait

to get my own personal helicopter!:

PETMAN The Humanoid Military Robot - CyberEye. Imagine the implications

if Petman ever gets hacked into... :

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