[caption id="attachment_876" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Social Engineering"]
With the advent of social media websites like Skype, Facebook and Twitter, business people now have new channels to better connect with their audience or counterparts; but as with all good things, some bad seems to always enter in to the mix.
The bad in this case comes to you courtesy of cyber-criminals worldwide. Social media websites provide an irresistible platform for cybercriminals to use in order to find ways to defraud you of money and steal personal as well as company information.
Now you might think, But we have a Firewall, we use the best anti-virus software and we have the best and really well-paid IT Guys to protect our network Of course you do. But the weak links in your organization are the individuals (employees) who are not trained to avoid the tricks cyber hackers use to get by your security measures and hack your network.
All it takes is one employee to click one link on one phishing email and your network is hackedplain and simple. Seriously, dont you think the large corporations you hear about that get hacked (like Sony last week) have a Firewall, anti-virus software and the Best IT Guys? Of course they do! And they also have untrained gullible employees who fall for the cyberheist traps that are sent their way daily.
Despite a global recession, international policing efforts and the latest Internet security measures, cybercrime has continued to escalate over this last decade, growing annually by double digits. Phishing and spoofing attacks are no longer limited to the financial industry and are now found across a wide range of business sectors.
The power of the online world, with new technologies that allow us to more easily communicate, express our likes or dislikes and conduct business in ways that were never possible before, also open wider channels of escalating threats that place business and consumer finances at risk and further open their identities to criminal misuse.
At KnowBe4 we've detected phishing attacks against multiple business sectors like Financial Services, Travel, Government, IT, Education, Engineering, Insurance and many others. In truth, any organization that uses online communication channels such as social networking, e-commerce and email are targets for cybercrime.
Internet security awareness training, until now, has not been an essential part of many organizations security strategy. But as the potential risks and heightened financial losses mount, Internet security awareness training has become a necessity for businesses and individuals.
KnowBe4 is effectively addressing the cyberheist issue at the weakest link--by raising awareness and skill through the crucial training that will help curtail these attacks and subsequently save businesses and individuals from having their finances and identities ransacked.
Find out who in your organization would fall for a phishing ploy by testing them. We offer a free phishing security test on our website: free phishing security test
Stu Sjouwerman

With the advent of social media websites like Skype, Facebook and Twitter, business people now have new channels to better connect with their audience or counterparts; but as with all good things, some bad seems to always enter in to the mix.
The bad in this case comes to you courtesy of cyber-criminals worldwide. Social media websites provide an irresistible platform for cybercriminals to use in order to find ways to defraud you of money and steal personal as well as company information.
Now you might think, But we have a Firewall, we use the best anti-virus software and we have the best and really well-paid IT Guys to protect our network Of course you do. But the weak links in your organization are the individuals (employees) who are not trained to avoid the tricks cyber hackers use to get by your security measures and hack your network.
All it takes is one employee to click one link on one phishing email and your network is hackedplain and simple. Seriously, dont you think the large corporations you hear about that get hacked (like Sony last week) have a Firewall, anti-virus software and the Best IT Guys? Of course they do! And they also have untrained gullible employees who fall for the cyberheist traps that are sent their way daily.
Despite a global recession, international policing efforts and the latest Internet security measures, cybercrime has continued to escalate over this last decade, growing annually by double digits. Phishing and spoofing attacks are no longer limited to the financial industry and are now found across a wide range of business sectors.
The power of the online world, with new technologies that allow us to more easily communicate, express our likes or dislikes and conduct business in ways that were never possible before, also open wider channels of escalating threats that place business and consumer finances at risk and further open their identities to criminal misuse.
At KnowBe4 we've detected phishing attacks against multiple business sectors like Financial Services, Travel, Government, IT, Education, Engineering, Insurance and many others. In truth, any organization that uses online communication channels such as social networking, e-commerce and email are targets for cybercrime.
Internet security awareness training, until now, has not been an essential part of many organizations security strategy. But as the potential risks and heightened financial losses mount, Internet security awareness training has become a necessity for businesses and individuals.
KnowBe4 is effectively addressing the cyberheist issue at the weakest link--by raising awareness and skill through the crucial training that will help curtail these attacks and subsequently save businesses and individuals from having their finances and identities ransacked.
Find out who in your organization would fall for a phishing ploy by testing them. We offer a free phishing security test on our website: free phishing security test
Stu Sjouwerman