ISAT: Looking For The One-minute Elevator Pitch? Look No Further.

It's easy to understand why Internet Security Awareness Training now is an essential part of your defense-in-depth. KnowBe4 is the market leading on-demand Internet Security Awareness Training (ISAT) provider that enables enterprises to quickly solve the increasingly urgent security problem of social engineering.

With a catalog of user-friendly and effective training modules, KnowBe4 provides self-service enrollment, and both pre-and post-training audits of the percentage of end-users that is phish-prone.
KnowBe4 also provides an ongoing, regular security audit to keep employees on their toes, and provides instant remedial online training in case an employee falls for a simulated phishing attack.

The ISAT project leader at every KnowBe4 customer gets access to user provisioning, and comprehensive pre- and post- training reporting. Every end-user gets an engaging and effective 20-25 minute ISAT training and after being trained will receive ongoing testing, and business leaders get the insight they need to maximize training ROI and track security compliance.

Stu Sjouwerman

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