Barracuda Advanced Technology Group says it’s tracking a ransomware threat that has so far spawned about 20 million phishing emails sent to unsuspecting users around the world in the last 24 hours and the threat is growing.
While most of the emails seem to be originating in Vietnam, other countries with smaller but notable volumes of phishing emails seem to emanate from India, Columbia, Turkey, and Greece – lower volumes are coming from many other countries around the world. According to the security company, “roughly 20 million of these attacks occurred in the last 24 hours, and that number is growing rapidly.”
Barracuda Advanced Technology Group identified three versions of the phishing emails but note that they seem to iterate through different versions.
One features the HerbalLife logo. It thanks the addressee for their order and rather “stupidly” says, “please find your tax invoice”. Clearly, these versions are not examples of sophisticated, adept, or crafty social engineers. The attack fits more closely into the pattern of a spray-and-pray volume attack.
The second email is a generic email from “copier@* (note) attachment.
Barracuda observed “These attacks have been morphing throughout the day, but they all use fake source email addresses. The earliest examples came from Vietnam and Greece. A third variant has appeared in the last couple of hours, which uses the subject line “Emailing – <attachment name>.”
The common thread is that they all have ransomware attachments. While these should be easier to spot than the craftier social engineering email, the sheer volume is sure to pick off a fair amount of potential victims who are too busy to think before they click. And that’s exactly what the cyber thieves who launch these volume spam ransomware hope for. It’s a numbers game. Too early to be sure if this is a botnet attack but seems likely.
Analysis overview
Risk assessment
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