Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Should You Use Controversial Simulated Phishing Test Emails?

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about using highly-emotionally charged, “controversial”, subjects in simulated phishing tests. Controversial topic examples include ...
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Malicious URLs In Phishing Emails: Hover, Click and Inspect Again

The most often recommended piece of anti-phishing advice is for all users to “hover” over a URL link before clicking on it. It is great advice.
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[Cybersecurity Awareness Month] Spoofy Steve's Business Email Compromise Scams You Need to Watch Out For

Like a ghost, most business email compromise (BEC) scams are able to sneak through most technical defenses and end up in end-user inboxes.
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How Secure Is Your Authentication Method?

I frequently write about authentication, including PKI, multi-factor authentication (MFA), password managers, FIDO, Open Authentication, and biometrics. I have written dozens of articles ...
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Social Engineering Is the Number One Cybersecurity Problem by Far

The number one way that hackers and malware compromise people, devices, and networks is social engineering. No one argues that anymore, but it was not always known or discussed that way. ...
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[GUIDE] Scary SEO and Waterhole Attacks: What You Need to Know Now

Most social engineering scams search out their potential victims, often sending emails to known email addresses, sending chat messages to them or calling known phone numbers. The ...
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How KnowBe4 Can Help You Fight Spear Phishing

This blog was co-written by KnowBe4's Data-Driven Defense Evangelist Roger A. Grimes and Chief Learning Officer John Just. Social engineering is involved in 70% to 90% of successful ...
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Want To Stop All Scams? Here Is How!

There are many ways to be socially engineered and phished, including email, websites, social media, SMS texts, chat services, phone calls and in-person. These days, it is hard to sell ...
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Why Do You Still Need Security Awareness Training If You Use Phishing-Resistant MFA?

For years, KnowBe4 has been a long-time proponent of everyone using PHISHING-RESISTANT multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible.
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[Wake-Up Call] It's Time to Focus More on Preventing Spear Phishing

Fighting spear phishing attacks is the single best thing you can do to prevent breaches.
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Comprehensive Anti-Phishing Mitigations: A Quick Overview

The evidence is clear – there is nothing most people and organizations can do to vastly lower cybersecurity risk than to mitigate social engineering attacks. Social engineering is ...
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The Two Best Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself and Organization

Since the beginning, two types of computer attacks (known as initial root cause exploits) have composed the vast majority of successful attacks: social engineering and exploiting ...
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Win The AI Wars To Enhance Security And Decrease Cyber Risk

With all the overwrought hype with ChatGPT and AI…much of it earned…you could be forgiven for thinking that only the bad actors are going to be using these advanced technologies and the ...
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Top Takeaways You Could be Missing Out on my Upcoming Ransomware Master Class

There is no doubt that ransomware is one of the top cybersecurity challenges of our lifetime. Survey after survey has revealed senior management and IT employees from the top on down, ...
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The Future of Cyber Attacks? Speed, More Speed

I get asked all the time to “predict” the future of cybercrime. What will be the next big cyber attack? What will be the next paradigm platform shift that attackers will target? And so on.
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[Black Eye] The Lesson We Learned. Don't Let this Happen to You. #DMARC

Mea Culpa. When you make a mistake, admit you made a mistake.
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Understanding DMARC Better

I talk and present often about DMARC (and SPF and DKIM), including here. A lot of people who think they understand how DMARC works, do not really understand it as well as they think they ...
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5 Reasons Why SecurityCoach Is Awesome

I’ve been doing computer security for over 34 years and in that time, I haven’t seen a lot of game-changing products. What I have seen is a lot of new products that claimed to be ...
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GLBA and Other Regulations Wake Up to the Importance of Security Awareness Training With  June 9, 2023 Deadline

Most computer security practitioners have understood for many years the importance of having an aggressive security awareness training program. As social engineering is involved in 70% to ...
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Should You Click on Unsubscribe?

Some common questions we get are “Should I click on an unwanted email’s ’Unsubscribe’ link? Will that lead to more or less unwanted email?”
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