The Inside Man Biggest Fan Contest is Heating Up

John Just

Banners of characters hang from the archways of the entry of the Palladium Theater with a red carpet leading to the entranceWe are halfway through our annual The Inside Man Biggest Fan Contest, and we already have some amazing entries! Encourage your users to get their entries posted to social media by the end of the month using the hashtag: #TheInsideManBiggestFanContest

For those of you who don’t know about our contest, let me give you some background. For the first few seasons of “The Inside Man, we would get a lot of unsolicited positive feedback from fans of the series on social media. A few organizations suggested we send the biggest fan to attend the world premiere!

Our first winner was a teacher from Minnesota whose students were watching the series in their high school cybersecurity class. Here is a video about her experience attending the premiere in Clearwater, Florida.

For years, fans suggested featuring the contest winner in the series itself. We made this a reality last year. Three outstanding finalists were flown to London for the world premiere. The decision was challenging: a French contestant submitted a research paper on the series, and a credit union worker performed an original song.

Ultimately the judges chose Indigo. Her winning entry, a scene about an employee inquiring about “The Inside Man” during an interview, can be viewed on the fan page, along with her journey.

Many organizations have integrated the contest into their awareness programs, encouraging team participation and running internal competitions for merchandise. Some have organized watch parties, viewing initial episodes during lunch breaks and offering the remainder as optional training. One large organization even celebrated the season 1 finale with a custom cake at their watch party.

We have had so much great feedback from people about the watch party concept that we recently created a facilitators guide with lessons learned and best practices. See our guide here: The Inside Man Watch Party Facilitator's Guide. 

“The Inside Man” is so different from most cybersecurity training, and it’s often best used as a supplementary part of their program using the Optional Learning feature for some of the most engaged learners. But that can really have an effect on your overall program.

Organizations who use the contest as a way to drum up interest with their users have reported higher levels of engagement, so we encourage you to do so. There are also a lot of resources on our fansite that we encourage everyone to use, including behind the scenes images and videos, as well as branded merch/swag: 

The premiere for Season 6 will be held November 13th, in St. Petersburg Florida, at the Palladium Theater, which is sure to be a great event! Look for more information on how you can attend, which will be posted to the community very soon.

In the meantime, get your entry in, and encourage your users to submit to the contest before the end of this month and maybe we will be paying for you to fly as a finalist to Florida to attend and have a chance to cameo in Season 7! 

Get Your Free 2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource Kit

Cyber risks abound, inside and out. Threats to your organization can come in many forms; from a suspicious email with a dodgy attachment to improperly stored sensitive information. But never fear! The team featured in KnowBe4’s award-winning streaming-quality educational series “The Inside Man” is here to lend a helping hand. Our 2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month resource kit delivers an immersive, multimedia cybersecurity awareness training experience centered around the gripping original series "The Inside Man.”

2024 Free Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource KitHere's what you'll get:

  • NEW! "The Inside Man: New Recruits" game makes your users part of the series as they help protect the Khromacom corporation from hackers, plus eight additional video and interactive training modules, available in multiple languages
  • Free access for a limited time to the heart-pounding first season of “The Inside Man”
  • NEW! Four character cards and posters featuring beloved characters from “The Inside Man” original series; plus additional posters and digital signage assets available in multiple languages
  • NEW! Four security hints and tips newsletters; plus additional security docs and awareness tips, all available in multiple languages
  • Free resources for you including our most popular on-demand webinar and whitepaper
  • Help planning your activities with the Cybersecurity Awareness Month User Guide and Cybersecurity Awareness Weekly Planner

Get Your Free Resource Kit Now!

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