Announcing KnowBe4 Student Edition: Cybersecurity Education Tailored for the Next Generation

John Just

KB4-Student-Edition-Announcement-Social-Media-Graphic-SMI recently heard another heartbreaking story of students who were scammed out of financial aid by a phishing attack. We have also heard stories of employment scams and social media based attacks where students fell victim to cybercriminals. 

Students also use the school networks that information security professionals must protect, and which were the subject of warnings issued by the US FBI earlier this year, as shared by Stu Sjouwerman. In addition, many employers have also shared that recent graduates entering the workforce are not as cyber-prepared as employers would like them to be (this is putting it mildly). 

In response to this, for the last year, we have been working with a steering committee of institutions from all over the world to create a specific set of training materials for students. We provided content samples and met with Bournemouth University in the UK, Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, the University of Oklahoma, Hood College, and Nova Southeastern University. 

The goal we had was to make content that was relevant for students (16 years and over) based on the real attacks and scenarios they receive. The training helps protect the students individually, while also providing skills that help them safeguard their institution and eventually, upon graduation, their future employers. 

Our team has received great feedback and suggestions from the faculty and staff members participating at these institutions. This week we are launching the first set of content specific to students and available within our ModStore which include: 

Training Modules:

  • Your Role as a Student: Internet Security and You
  • An Introduction to Social Engineering Red Flags for Students
  • Students, Here’s How to Deal with Sextortion

Mobile-First Modules: 

  • Secure Online Behavior for Students
  • Security Culture: Students' Responsibilities
  • Students' Top 5 Security Awareness Fundamentals
  • A Student’s Guide to Acceptable Use and Social Media Responsibility
  • A Student's Guide to Avoid Online Scams
  • A Student’s Guide to How VPNs Work
  • Students Beware of Malware


  • Phish Catcher Game: Student Edition

Like our other training content offering (KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training and Compliance Plus) we will continue to add more content each month, and we already have a robust roadmap of content to add through the end of the year. We will be looking for your feedback on adding even more training next year as well, so let us know what you would like to see. 

You might be asking yourself, “What about training for those under the age of 16?” and that is where the KnowBe4 Children’s Interactive Cybersecurity Activity Kit comes in. This is a freely available resource that we plan to add to throughout the year with new and relevant content. If you haven’t checked out the Hack-A-Cat Roblox Game or the AI Safety for Students and you work with younger students, please do so and let us know what else you would like to see added to this package as well. 

The KnowBe4 Student Edition helps prepare students to be cyber-ready in their future careers while also protecting them from the attacks they are receiving now. The pricing is set up to be pennies on the dollar of standard licenses so all students can have access to this content. Similar to other Student offerings out there, it is customized more to meet students' needs rather than being a scaled-down generic offering. Reach out to us today to find out more about KnowBe4 Student Edition. 

KnowBe4 Student Edition is available as an add-on across existing KnowBe4 subscription levels.

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In today's digital learning landscape, it's your job to ensure that students are vigilant of cyber threats. You need a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that addresses not just technical loopholes, but also the human risk factor.

Request a demo to see how KnowBe4 Student Edition will help students adopt a cybersecurity-first mindset, making safe online behavior a habitual part of their digital interactions.

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