Happy 1st Birthday to Our KnowBe4 Community!

KnowBe4 Community AnniversaryHappy 1st birthday to our KnowBe4 Community! We’re so excited to celebrate our community's first anniversary. It’s been filled with so many wholesome moments and learning opportunities.

From the beginning, our primary mission in building this community was to create a space for our customers to connect, learn and share. We wanted to create a space to get the inside scoop from the teams you may not have had direct contact with before.

These teams include Product Management, Events, Marketing, and, most recently, our UX team.  We hope that you’re enjoying being an essential part of this community. And without further ado, let’s jump into some one-year highlights!

Data Highlights 

  • 12,000+ registrations
  • 11,970+ posts created, 2,300+ new topics, and 9,600+ replies
  • 1,700 of those posts were authored by KnowBe4
  • 10,200 of those posts were authored by community members
    • 51 of those posts are ideation (feature) requests that are currently planned
    • 43 ideas have been implemented
  • 13,700+ likes

Community Highlights 

Top Five Best Practices from Our Members 

  1. What template categories are most effective? How frequent are your campaigns? 
  2. How do you recruit Security Champions in your organization?
  3. How do you encourage employees to report emails?
  4. How to deal with users not completing training
  5. How do you avoid people sharing that there is an active phishing campaign?

Most Viewed KnowBe4 News Posts

  1. [COMPLETED] PhishER Beta Enrollment 
  2. Q2 2023 Sneak Peeks
  3. Making Waves: Nominate for a 2024 KnowBe4 Sharky Award

Success Stories

Thanks to your feedback in the community, we’ve been able to:

  • Implement over 40 ideation requests for feature enhancements
  • Implement new phishing templates
  • Identify opportunities to revise our Knowledge Base support articles
  • Resurrect tools such as Second Chance
  • Add new badges for community members
  • Integrate a new Sharky Award to our KB4-CON lineup for the top contributor in the community

Top Contributors

What’s a community without its top contributors? These members have shaped some very important discussions around security awareness programs and have contributed awesome suggestions:

Cyber warrior, Goodymob1422, Jmaurer 11, chris.redmond, lorcanawizard, richperkins, i like electric.


Based on what we’ve observed this first year in our community, here are some future goals that we’re working toward: 

  • Security Role Access: We plan to add an option to enable access to the KnowBe4 Community for Security Role users. For more information, see the Open the KnowBe4 community to Security Rule Users (Non-Admins) community post. 
  • Clearer Ideation Statuses: We aim to revamp our ideation statuses.
  • Expectations for Ideas in Progress: We intend to update our members regularly about the ideas that are being worked on.

I’m so proud of how far we’ve come in only one year. We've had impactful discussions, great product feedback, and valuable insights into the security programs and security cultures that each of you has built. If you're a KnowBe4 customer and are interested in learning more about the KnowBe4 Community, make sure to check out this introduction video

Your stories and contributions are the heart and soul of this community. Here's to our collective future in the cybersecurity space and a heartfelt happy anniversary to our cherished online home! 

The world's largest library of security awareness training content is now just a click away!

In your fight against phishing and social engineering you can now deploy the best-in-class simulated phishing platform combined with the world's largest library of security awareness training content; including 1000+ interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters.

You can now get access to our new ModStore Preview Portal to see our full library of security awareness content; you can browse, search by title, category, language or content topics.

ModStore01-1The ModStore Preview includes:

  • Interactive training modules
  • Videos
  • Trivia Games
  • Posters and Artwork
  • Newsletters and more!

Start Your Preview

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