[Cybersecurity Awareness Month] Responding to Cyber Incidents the ‘Inside Man’ Way: Fiona's Approach

Evangelist-Blog-AnnaIn a world where cybersecurity incidents are no longer a matter of if they will happen, but when, having a solid incident response plan is a critical component of cyber resilience and business continuity.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides comprehensive guidelines on how to set up an executive incident response.

For this blog, I’m drawing inspiration from Fiona, the vibrant and friendly PA to the IT director in the first season of our security awareness series "The Inside Man," to illustrate how effective incident response should be managed.

Watch this video below:

Preparation: The Fiona Method

Fiona’s proactive nature mirrors the essential preparation phase of incident response planning. Just as Fiona helps ensure the IT department runs smoothly by anticipating issues and organizing resources, a robust incident response plan starts with thorough preparation. This includes tasks such as policy development, training and awareness programs to keep both incident responders and all employees informed about how to detect cyberthreats and what to do and not to do during an incident, as well as the provision of relevant tools and resources. Part of preparation is also the need for frequent simulations and testing of incident response plans.

Detection and Analysis: Fiona’s Keen Eye

Fiona’s empathetic yet analytical ability to detect issues early and analyze their implications aligns with the detection and analysis phase of NIST’s guidelines. These include continuous monitoring to promptly detect potential incidents as well as a thorough triage and analysis of problems to comprehend the nature, scope and potential impact of incidents

Containment, Eradication and Recovery: Fiona’s Leadership

When it comes to handling crises, Fiona’s leadership and decisive action are crucial. During an incident, immediate actions to contain cybersecurity incidents quickly are critical, followed by the eradication of the root cause of the issue. Lastly, during recovery all focus is on restoring normalcy while ensuring issues are resolved post-incident.

Post-Incident Activities: Fiona’s Continuous Improvement

Fiona’s reflective nature and dedication to continuous improvement embody the essence of NIST’s post-incident activities, which include the importance of documenting all incident details and response actions, and conducting post-incident reviews to identify strengths and areas of improvement. Updates to processes based on lessons learned will ensure that teams adapt to evolving threats.

The Fiona Approach: Bringing NIST Recommendations to Life

Fiona’s character perfectly embodies the principles of incident responders:

  • Proactive preparation
  • Keen detection and analysis
  • Decisive containment
  • Commitment to continuous improvement

By channeling Fiona’s approach, organizations can effectively prepare for and manage cybersecurity incidents, ensuring a strong security culture.

There’s still time to download our 2024 kit of Cybersecurity Awareness Month resources, themed to the hit series “The Inside Man.” Check it out below! 

Get Your Free 2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource Kit

Cyber risks abound, inside and out. Threats to your organization can come in many forms; from a suspicious email with a dodgy attachment to improperly stored sensitive information. But never fear! The team featured in KnowBe4’s award-winning streaming-quality educational series “The Inside Man” is here to lend a helping hand. Our 2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month resource kit delivers an immersive, multimedia cybersecurity awareness training experience centered around the gripping original series "The Inside Man.”

2024 Free Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource KitHere's what you'll get:

  • NEW! "The Inside Man: New Recruits" game makes your users part of the series as they help protect the Khromacom corporation from hackers, plus eight additional video and interactive training modules, available in multiple languages
  • Free access for a limited time to the heart-pounding first season of “The Inside Man”
  • NEW! Four character cards and posters featuring beloved characters from “The Inside Man” original series; plus additional posters and digital signage assets available in multiple languages
  • NEW! Four security hints and tips newsletters; plus additional security docs and awareness tips, all available in multiple languages
  • Free resources for you including our most popular on-demand webinar and whitepaper
  • Help planning your activities with the Cybersecurity Awareness Month User Guide and Cybersecurity Awareness Weekly Planner

Get Your Free Resource Kit Now!

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