KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Blog

What Value Do Customers See In The KnowBe4 Platform?

Written by Stu Sjouwerman | Dec 30, 2018 10:29:57 PM

Someone at Spiceworks asked: "I know there are discussions of Company Phishing Campaigns and Security Awareness Training, curious what everyone uses other than KnowBe4. I have been delegated to shop around for something in the near future. I have already looked at King Phisher and Lucy, and continuing on to KnowBe4. I know there are a bunch out there. What does everyone else use?"

Here are some answers:

John4865: "KnowBe4 is an incredible value. So much so that I have not bothered to shop the competition."

SQLRage: "I can't speak for the competitors but KnowBe4 is very cheap for the impact that it has had on our company."

Rickmarvel: "KnowBe4 is a good option as user education is the key to defending against phishing attacks."

Harpy: "I personally use KnowBe4 now as I feel its easier to use, very good product and can highly recommend it. Before that point, we were using Wombat.

Dimforest: "Honestly... just save yourself the time and money and go with KnowBe4. It's the industry standard for a reason."

Denise5318: "Getting KnowBe4 was some of the best money I've spent here at the library."

Here is the whole thread (and poll with votes for platforms) on Spiceworks:

PS, If you want to see KnowBe4 compared to other products in an objective, legit platform that makes sure the reviews are fully vetted, check Gartner Peer Insights: