Type phishingcampaign.com into your browser and see where it takes you. No worries, this is not a malicious link. “Who’s Being Phished” will run for an entire year with 52 unique episodes. It airs every Friday morning at 8 a.m. EST – and is intended to get more users trained up on cybersecurity.
KnowBe4 and Cybercrime Magazine have launched a global phishing campaign against phishing campaigns. The two companies have teamed up on a new public service program aimed at increasing awareness of phishing scams and the severe damage they are continuing to inflict on businesses and society.
More than 90 percent of successful hacks and data breaches start with phishing scams, according to KnowBe4. Phishing is the most prevalent cyber threat to every organization and employee across the globe.
Everyone knows what phishing is, except for the fact that they really don’t. And that may be the biggest cyber risk of all. The point is, just about every employee and Internet user is able to explain, at some basic level, what phishing is. But they barely know enough to protect themselves and their employers from the various types of phishing attacks that are swirling around cyberspace.