KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping our employees and partners safe during #coronavirus

Written by Stu Sjouwerman | Mar 13, 2020 8:20:16 PM

Our top priority remains the health and safety of our Knowsters, and we also have a responsibility to support partners and the local community in all the countries we operate.

All employees will receive help from IT to get productive Working From Home. (WFH) We're in middle of creating a dedicated, new training module that helps employees stay safe WFH during a pandemic.


We decided to cancel the 2020 Kb4-CON, which was planned April 15-17 in Orlando, FL. We'll replace it with an online event instead, stay tuned for more.

Suddenly working from home can be a challenging transition, so we’ve updated the documentation to help our employees continue to get the job done with working from home best practices.

Virtual Job Interviews:

All KnowBe4 job interviews will be done via Zoom video conferencing. A completely virtual interview has its benefits. It is ideal for introducing candidates to remote work cultures, and it is a great opportunity for candidates who will work remotely to get a sense for the experience of interacting with other team members remotely.


In addition to the travel, event and visitor restrictions that we previously shared, we provided additional guidance as we look to protect the health and safety of our workforce. All international offices are advised to WFH. As of this writing, KnowBe4 has had no employees confirmed with C-19. For the U.S. these rules apply:

1.) If you are sick or have any symptoms. Stay home from work and seek medical attention. 

2.) If anyone in your household is sick. Coordinate with your manager and WFH.

3.) If you have a compromised immune system or a person in your household does. Coordinate with your manager and WFH.

4.) If you have travelled internationally, been on a cruise or visited with anyone from NY, CA, WA, or PA. You need to coordinate with your manager and WFH for at least 14 days.

5.) If you have someone in your household that has travelled internationally, been on a cruise or visited with anyone from NY, CA, WA, or PA. You need to coordinate with your manager and WFH for at least 14 days.

6.) Social distancing:: Stay at least 3 ft (1 meter) away from people whenever possible. It helps to mitigate the spread of the virus.

7.) If you have surgery or are under a medical procedure of any kind. Coordinate with your manager and WFH.

8.) If HR sends you home, coordinate with Employee Relations on when you can come back into the office.

Please continue to do the things that assist with not spreading this virus by:

1.) Washing your hands regularly

2.) Do not touch your face if you can avoid it.

3.) Keep your area clean and wiped down.

4.) If you see someone who is displaying symptoms then let your manager or Employee Relations know. 

We are working to make sure internal meetings and other important tasks are optimized for remote participation. We recognize that working from home is not ideal for some job functions. For those employees who prefer or need to come into the offices, they will remain open for business. Our Real Estate & Workplace team is increasing deep cleaning and sanitizing in all spaces.

While this is a big change for us, we're a global service and we’re committed to enabling anyone, anywhere to work at KnowBe4.

This policy is effective immediately and will continue until the World Health Organization or Centers for Disease Control deem it appropriate to step back from pandemic precautionary measures or when a vaccine becomes available.

Our goal is to reduce the risk that anyone at KnowBe4 might contract or inadvertently spread the virus. It is important that we take these proactive steps to protect ourselves and others and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

There are enormous transnational efforts underway to tackle this virus. As a global company with a global workforce, we want to do what we can to help the success of these multi-stakeholder containment efforts. Temporarily suspending travel is an immediate and important step.

We want to thank our people, partners and customers for their patience and understanding. 

We will update this post if there are any changes.

Thanks to Twitter for inspiration.